
'Rabies.' Huge success overseas

'Rabies' takes Denver film festival

Israeli movie wins Best Feature Award at Mile High Horror Film Festival

Israeli film "Kalevet" ("Rabies"), directed by Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, has won the Best Feature Award at the Mile High Horror Film Festival in Denver, Colorado.


"Rabies" competed against 30 horror films from 11 countries, including "I Saw the Devil" from Korea, directed by Kim Ji-woon, and American film "The Woman", directed by Lucky MaKee.


The panel of judges at the three-day festival was headed by Jeffrey Reddick, the writer and creator of "Final Destination".


Earlier this year, "Rabies" won the Critics Award at Fantasporto 2011 in Portugal and received positive reactions from the audience and international critics at the Tribeca Film Festival. It was also screened at the Fantastic Fest film festival in Austin, Texas.


The Israeli movie is scheduled to be screened at the Screamfest Horror Film Festival later this month.



פרסום ראשון: 10.12.11, 12:41
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