
Tziporela ensemble
Photo: Ben Palchov

Presenting hilarious theater in English

After eight years of sold-out performances all over Israel and most recently Australia, indie theater troupe Tziporela has a new show that weaves together movement, music and slapstick

After eight years of sold-out performances all over Israel and most recently Australia, indie theater troupe Tziporela presents a new show that weaves together movement, music, and slapstick in a night of hilarious comedy that cuts across cultural lines.


The show premieres this Saturday at the well-known Tzavta Theater in Tel Aviv, where the group has performed their shows over 300 times.


The show is a combination of 16 theatrical sketches from two of the group’s existing shows – "Hatkafat Lev" and "Akitza Tiv’eet" – along with new material, and all of it in English.


According to ensemble member Gal Friedman, “This is the first time that English speakers in Israel will have a theater that they can come to and understand without any barriers. This is the kind of show that you would usually see at the West End or Broadway."


Members of the award-winning group met 12 years ago at Israel’s top acting studio Nissan Nativ and went on to form the outrageous Tziporela – a group of nine young and sexy guys and gals who write, direct and manage the group as they offer audiences a theatrical approach to daily life with loads of nonsense and no reservations.


The show premiers on Saturday, December 15 at 9 pm at Tzavta Theater (30 Ibn Gvirol St., Tel Aviv). See info at  


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