Judge Goldstone's dark past
Tehiya Barak
Published: 06.05.10, 23:55
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179 Talkbacks for this article
91. #22 - The world missed 99% of what happened in Gaza
William ,   Israel   (05.07.10)
and the 1% was edited to include on damning video that followed a pre-set narrative. You can find part of the 99% on YouTube videos showing the Gazan terrorists taking children as human shields, of powerful IEDs placed by Hamas taking down whole civilian apartment houses, of Hamas snipers taking position next to UN buildings including a school. If you ignore these facts...and it appears you do because they don't appear on CNN...then you're choosing to remain purposely ignorant. Your choice.
92. #30 - I thought "war crimes" accusation wasn't proven yet
William ,   Israel   (05.07.10)
If I recall, the Goldstone report, by his own admission, had no legal basis for the accusations and only claimed that a further inquiry might be called for on reason of suspicion. That's nothing but a person's opinion on limited facts. Yet, you've already come to the conclusion that Israel is guilty...without the evidence, without the trial, and without the right to present Israel's case. It seems to me that YOU'RE the one breaking law and justice, with your stance.
93. #34 - You're right, but who's oppression and brutality
William ,   Israel   (05.07.10)
"an entire institution that's built on oppression & brutality." You're right. The entire State and the IDF was built...on the oppression and brutality exhibited by the Arabs since 1920 that made having a solid defense force and a sovereign entity to be a necessity. Had the Arabs accepted the 1947 partition - both the IDF and the successful military technology advances would not have been needed, and never occurred. But let's talk about institutions that are built on "oppression and brutality". I can count many among the Arab countries, including the Jordanian Monarch which unlawfully received its State through the theft of other people's land, and the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank in the 1950s.
94. #49 - George - Israel did boycott SA
William ,   Israel   (05.07.10)
After the Sharpeville massacre of 1960, Israel became one of the loudest critics of South African apartheid regime. Israel joined the West only in the late 1980s in boycotting South Africa before the collapse of apartheid. "Israel is the only one to maintain relations with Apartheid South Africa" - Sorry George, both the UK and the US maintained relations with SA, driven mostly by trade, especially of SA gold and diamonds.
95. no 9
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (05.07.10)
How about an expose of Hamas,s tunnel rental empire in Hamastan that has made Haniyeh ,Mashal al Zahourand other Hamas hierarchy extremely wealthy at the expense of their exploited Muslim peasant brethren who are forced to dig tunnels and smuggle goods in from Egypt as the Islamofascist Hamas cannot create normal jobs for the populace there,these same peasants have to buy these smuggled goods at hugely inflated Hamas prices ,a nice racket they have going there,not so London man?
96. no 14
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (05.07.10)
Talking about morality ,another Pakistan Muslim with American citizenship continues the Muslim trend of trying to kill innocents ,like that incident in New York ,his motivation ,just kill infidels cause Allah says so ,go away bigot?
97. no 34
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (05.07.10)
Marwan doesn,t seem to remember black September 1970 ,the ethnic cleansing of Jordan/Palestine ,20-000 Palestinians slaughtered by the Hashemite Hussein or the 8 year war initiated by the Sunni madman Saddam Hussein against the despised Shiite across the mined border ,or the attempted occupation by the same madman Saddam of Kuwait ,the 1st , Gulf war of the 90,s or the gassing of the Kurds at Halabyah in the late 80,s ,what,s your problem Palestinian?
98. Sick Comparism
zichron   (05.07.10)
Whatever goldstones faults this is one the sickest articles and disgusting comparisons . Goldstone did not kill children he was part of the targetted assassination regime . His criminality lies in not leaving south africa to do law for human rights globally. He says he is sort of regretful.
99. War crime
Second generation   (05.07.10)
As the son of a holocaust survivor your comparison is contemptabile and yor editorial board should be deported from israel for libelling the martyrs of the shoah.
100. "We only followed orders" How tragic that Goldstone still
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (05.07.10)
uses the excuse of the Nazis instead of stating to the world: human rights have never been a motive of mine; success and advancement has been. Indeed, the "Goldstone Report" has been an instrument in the judge's hands as well, never mind the Jews and their right to protect their lives.
101. Goldstone's tall tales
Freddy Grubnik ,   Udon Thani, Thailand   (05.07.10)
Goldstone did not have the courage of his convictions. If Goldstone felt so strongly that apartheid was wrong, he could have resigned his judgship. Instead, Goldstone went along and got along. He thought that he had put years of distance between himself and his shocking record. But as the expression goes:"You can run but you can't hide". In the end justice prevails. Goldstone now stands before the world as an accomplice to apartheid. He is unmasked as a man who, for all practical purposes, put the noose around the necks of 28 Black SouthAfricans, most of whom never received fair trials. Like MacBeth, Goldstone will look into the mirro and say: "Out damned spot" but the blood can not so easily be washed away. How a man could do what he did and sleep at night and accept awards is astonishing.
102. To: No. 76
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.07.10)
So, how do you account for the fact that the Palestinians walked away from a deal that would have given them 95% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a capital? You people will NEVER have a state. You don't WANT one. You want Israel and that is never going to happen, ya'habibi.
103. To: No. 81
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.07.10)
Israel conducted a meticulous operation against an enemy that does not wear a uniform, has no compunction about hiding behind women and children, and notoriously caches weapons in schools, hospitals and mosques. Israel does not need to answer to anything. On the other hand, Hamas does. That said --- NATO has yet to answer for all those dead civilians in the Balkans. NATO has yet to answer for all those dead civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. I think what I'm telling you is that you can go pound sand.
104. Anyone Read The Book or See The Movie, "QB VII"
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (05.07.10)
105. mike, Goldstone found both sides guilty...
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (05.07.10) I always have. There's two who see both sides for what they are. I can assure you there are millions more. In fact, that is why the extremists in Israel are doing everything they can, including some of the most vile and despicable character assassinations ever seen, to discredit Richard Goldstone because if they cannot keep the focus on the man, and his imagined transgressions, then all is lost. This is a game that will be lost very badly by Israel. This is going to backfire so horribly horribly bad. Israel should have investigated itself, but it already knew what it would find, we all watched it live, the attempt at blanket censorship FAILED. The longer you keep pounding Richard Goldstone, the more people read his heart-breaking report, and the more people turn their backs on Israel because it is nothing of what they were led to believe it was.
106. Can Lieberman explain why Israel was S. Africa's ally?
Cali Cal ,   Los Angeles, CA   (05.07.10)
Why doesnt he instruct his ministry to explain why Israel was S. Africa's best friend during Apartheid?
107. One more thing #15: Terrorists are combatants
Yitzhak ,   San Anselmo   (05.07.10)
Terrorists are combatants, so targeted killing of terrorists is legal under international law. They are armed, they are soldiers and as such are legitimate military targets. Those who claim otherwise are carrying water for murderers.
108. #1: If you read the article more carefully you
Vardina   (05.07.10)
will notice that the black in South Africa were unfairly tried. It is well known that in many cases the mere fact that one was black was was sufficient "evidence" of his guilt.
109. # 9: You too enjoy bending the truth to your
Vardina   (05.07.10)
purposes: Israel has every right to demolish illigally built houses and sent terrorists to jail. Would the law in your country allow them? you are a poor Jew hater hypocrit like many others. Have you ever expressed your sorrow for the murder of Jewish innocent children by Muslim terrorists? I know the answer, so don't bother to respond.
110. #14: British still angry for losing Mandate
Alexa   (05.07.10)
in Palestine.
111. #17: It is difficult to talk logically to people
who are drugged by self digesting hatred.
112. #25: You may agree to death sentnce, the
question is: Were they guilty beyond any doubt? I doubt it.
113. #30: Have you witnessed those "crimes" or
Me   (05.07.10)
are you brain washed by hatred?
114. #53: You are not far from claiming that
Vardina   (05.07.10)
Israelis use the blood of Muslim children to bake their Passover mazot, as the Jew hater Christians invented not so long ago, that time accusing Jews to have used the blood of Christians. Hatred needs nor explanation nor proof of any kind.
115. #35: Those states who watched passively
Vardina   (05.07.10)
or assisted actively the deportation of 6 million Jews to gas chambers should not preach us how to survive. We will survive at all cost,with or without your approval.
116. #81: I- as an Israeli - will give you one
Vardina   (05.07.10)
answer by askng you a question: what did your country or your people do to prevent the organized murder o0f six million Jews whose only crime was their existence? How many Jewish refugees did your country shelter at that time? I think that someone else has to give an answer yet, and that someone is not us, but rather you and more than half the world. Bottom line: you are not entitled to critisize us for not allowing your likes to terminate us.
117. To Ynet Just sent+this one for tomorrow.Goldstone Good Judge
Ross ,   USA   (05.07.10)
If Goldstone is a good Judge, then: So was Hanging Judge Jeffreys. Just as bad almost doing a hatchet job on Cast Lead by his unwarranted accusations against the IDF.When they tried their outmost to minimize and keep the civilians safe inspite of Hamas who puts them in the open at all times as human shields to gain sympathy from the world As for the S.Africans during the apartheid the majority of the ones who helped the blacks were all Jews one must remember this.. You are quite right David C. Town that Goldstone is an ambitious man and I for one assume perhaps gaining approbation from the Arabs that surround Israel. And YES! may his name live in infamy for ever in what he did to his fellow Jews for a start. He would make a good judge J'fries. I rest my case
118. Judge Goldstone was a good Judge?
Ross ,   USA   (05.07.10)
So was Hanging Judge Jeffreys. Perhaps not quite the hanging part,but he did a big hatchet job on Israel undeservedly to the IDF. He was also quite a bully and inept in his dealings with the Yougoslavian affair which he messed up there as well. All in all I am afraid to assume he has no honor to carry as a judge.I sugest he should begin to make ammends and begin to JUDGE HIMSELF for his sins. I feel certain he revels in his notoriety especially gaining favour from the Arabs that surround Israel giving him kudos and recognition . As David from Cape Town says he is an ambitious man? Totally so..Parrcularely doing it to his tribe A JEW HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
119. Judge Goldstone was an evil man...
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (05.07.10)
back in the bad old days of South Africas Apartheid state. Now he believes, he has the legal and the moral right to judge Israel, a state which is definitely not an Apartheid state. A state which was forced to defend its national security against a ruthless terrorist enemy. Judge Goldstone has not had the legal or the moral right to judge Israel and he was disqualified as a person to do so... Judge Goldstone is a case of moral and legal bankruptcy...
120. "Mengele followed the law"?
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (05.07.10)
I don't think so. Read "The Nazi Doctors" by Robert Jay Lifton if you can stand the incredible pain. Mengele, along with his cohorts, enjoyed engaging in his socalled experiments on Jewish and gypsy "patients". Mengele allowed these medical perversions to take place. He was not following any orders which required him to "participate". By the same token, and with much less risk, Goldstone was not required to sit on the bench in South Africa if he disbelieved in the righteousness of the law. As it was, he sat on the judicial bench by his own accord just as he took on, as his mandate, the judgement of the IDF and Israel. He is responsible and must be judged, in turn, accordingly.
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